Over 40+ Years of Combined Experience
Our company has been co-created by two dynamic directors with vast experience in business, employment law, compliance, ethics, corporate governance and academics.

An accredited arbitrator and mediator, Hilda has over three decades experience in conducting arbitrations, mediations and workplace facilitations, as well as chairing of disciplinary enquiries and appeal hearings. She presided in the Industrial Court from 1990 until 1999 and is currently a senior commissioner at the CCMA and a number of bargaining councils. Hilda has conducted a host of investigations for municipal, academic and private organisations. She is an experienced trainer and lecturer, and currently teaches the Legal Drafting modules in the Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Relations at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Hilda serves as a chairperson for the KZN Provincial Treasury Municipal Bids Appeal Tribunal.
Hilda Grobler
- Senior Teacher’s Diploma (Durban Teachers Training College)
- BA, University of Natal
- BA Honours, UNISA
- MA, University of Pretoria
- LLB, University of Natal
- PhD, University of Natal
- Accredited mediator (Conflict Dynamics; South African Medico-Legal Association; LEAD – Court Annexed Mediation; IMI qualified)
- Accredited arbitrator (Association of Arbitrators)
- CCMA accredited commissioner
Professional Affiliations
- South African Society for Labour Lawyers (SASLAW)
- Member of South African Medico-Legal Association
- Fellow of the Association of Arbitrators Southern Africa

Admitted as a practicing attorney in 2003, Rutendo is currently enrolled as a legal practitioner with the Legal Practice Council of South Africa. She is accredited by and has worked for the CCMA and various bargaining councils, and was the Managing Commissioner, KZN for the Motor Industry Bargaining Council for over five years. She also sat as a board member for Ntinga Development Agency for a period of three years. Rutendo has extensive experience in conducting arbitrations, conciliations, chairing disciplinary hearings, drafting legal opinions, and running disciplinary investigations. She is a member of the KZN Provincial Treasury Municipal Bids Appeal Tribunal, the Disciplinary Committee Legal Practice Council, the Mediation Committee Legal Practice Council and the Investigation Committee Legal Practice Council.
Rutendo Mandimutsira
- BJuris, Fort Hare University
- LLB, Fort Hare University
- MBA Regent Business School
- CCMA accredited commissioner
- AFSA accredited arbitrator
Professional Affiliations
- Legal Practice Council (practicing attorney)